Stunning: “An Open Letter to Rachael Denhollander on #SBCToo” by Eric Schumacher.
“Abuse of Faith: Investigation Reveals 700 Victims of Southern Baptist Sexual Abuse over the Past Twenty Years” via the Houston Chronicle
“Offend, then Repeat: Southern Baptist Churches Hired Dozens of Leaders Previously Accused of Sex Offenses” via the Houston Chronicle
“Newspaper Story on Sexual Abuse in the SBC Was a Long Time Coming for Activist Christa Brown” by Bob Allen, Baptist News Global
“Survivors, Activists Seek Action by Southern Baptists After Sex Abuse Report” by Carol Kuruvilla for the Huffington Post, Women
“700 is Not the Total Number: How to Get Help” by JD Greear.
“Covering Up Sexual Abuse in Southern Baptist Churches Does Not Protect Jesus’ Reputation” by Dr. Russell Moore.
“Statement from R. Albert Mohler Jr. on Sovereign Grace Churches” by R. Albert Mohler, Jr. for The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.
“The Poisonous Fruit of Bad Theology: A Response to the SBC” by Rachel Sheild Gustafson for CBE International.
“Hundreds of sex abuse allegations found in fundamental Baptist churches across U.S.” by Sarah Smith for The Fort Worth Star Telegram.
A Guide for Addressing the Loneliness Epidemic from T.R.U.E Addiction and Behavioral Health
“Six Ways Pastors Can Care for Victims of Sexual Abuse” by Trillia Newbell
“12 Resources on Sexual Abuse and the Church” via Missio Alliance.
The Great #MeToo Awakening by Peter Wehner for The New York Times.
#MetToo was started for black and brown women and girls. They’re still being ignored by Tarana Burke for the Washington Post.
“#MeToo: The Prevalence of Sexual Assault and a Call to the Church” by Trillia Newbell.
“I was assaulted. He was applauded” by Jules Woodson for The New York Times.
“A Letter to My Brothers” by Beth Moore.
“New Tribes Mission Confronts ‘80s Sex-Abuse Allegations” by Sarah Pulliam Bailey
“My Larry Nassar Testimony went Viral, But There’s More to the Gospel Than Forgiveness” by Morgan Lee for Christian History.
“More than 160 women say Larry Nassar sexually abused them. Here are his accusers in their own words.” By Carla Correa and Meghan Louttit for the New York Times.
Ride-Sharing Sexual Assault Guide
“What’s the difference between sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment and rape”
“Baylor football players raped women as ‘bonding experience,’ lawsuit alleges.”
Rape Culture Series by Dr. Sandra Glahn.
“Compliance is Not Consent” by Abby Perry for Fathom Magazine.
“Sexual Harassment and Women of Color” by Katherine Giscombe, PhD. h
“In India, it’s not easy to report on rape,” by Annie Gowen for The Washington Post.
“An 8-year-old girl’s gang rape and murder trigger new outrage over India’s rape culture” by Annie Gowen for the Washington Post.