Understanding trauma’s complexity will help your healing journey. We forget that trauma is the “gift” that keeps on giving the sexual abuse survivor. And it’s not simple or easy to heal from. Triggers, panic attacks without warning, freezing...
Two Thieves If I had known Jesus then, I would’ve repeated his nine words to the indifferent sky My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? But I was only five years old—small and broken and cracking apart And what little shout I had trickled out my throat in whimpers...
You may or may not know, but I’ve been rapidly reading through my chronological Bible the past few weeks. I hope to finish it mid March. One thing caught my eye–in an unlikely place. “I myself will set my face against him and will cut him off from...
Sexual abuse represents anti-community. It’s the scenario where we lose our trust, safety, joy, and sense of self. So much is stolen. So much is lost. But I believe there is paradoxical hope in good community. We’re wounded in the worst of...