My friend Vicar Troy Cady shared this prayer on his Facebook page yesterday, and I asked his permission to share it with you. He does amazing work around the idea of play at

Say HI to TROY:

Every day I hear from people who are broken by the church, who have experienced abuse either outside or inside its doors, but have not been welcomed, dignified or heard. We have forgotten the narrative of the kingdom of God and the empathy of Jesus in our midst. Troy’s prayer reminds me of what the kingdom truly is–a place where the broken are listened to, the powerless are given voice, and the hopeless find hope. Let his prayer be a balm to you today.

the kingdom, the power, and the glory

a prayer by Troy Cady

countless people
have prayed
“yours is the kingdom”
countless times,
myself included—
and today
countless numbers
will utter those words again.

Forgive us
even as we speak this prayer,
because we have forgotten
that you are not a king
who lords your authority over us,
but you sent your Son
to show us that
you are a Servant king.
Remind us
your kingdom
is a place for servants and serving.

And Father,
we pray yours is the power, too—
but we have forgotten
that you do not power up like we do;
remind us
that your power
is your gentleness.

And Father,
we pray yours is the glory—
imagining you robed in splendor,
scepter in hand,
seated on a throne,
gleaming in perfection.
But we have forgotten
that we have beheld your likeness
in the image of your Son,
whose glory is his humility,
disrobed, and speared in his side,
lifted up on the cross,
marred by our countless enmities.

And so, even as we pray today
“yours is the kingdom,
and the power,
and the glory”
teach us to pray:

“Yours is a place for serving,
a time for gentleness,
a heart of humility.
Teach us your ways,
our Servant King.”

Spirit of Jesus,
work this prayer
into the life
of your people
both now and forevermore.


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