I’m so grateful to have Dr. Sandra Glahn with us today. She’s one of the editors of Sanctified Sexuality, an important book for the church. She agreed to answer some of my questions, and I’m so grateful! What does the Bible say about a woman’s...
My new friend Linda who is in one of my writer masterminds writes so poignantly about her past abuse. With her permission, I’m posting these pieces to inspire you to give voice to your past. For whatever reason, I, too, do better writing in stanzas than...
Sabrina gave me permission to share her work. I pray her words bring you healing. Innocence Lost Where did that innocent little girl go? The one with the pigtails, Playing jump rope. Do you see her smile? Her carefree laughter, Her hair swaying In the breeze. ...
I’ve received permission to share this email and my response. I’ve changed his name to protect his identity. I would be dishonest if I wrote that it has been easy on our marriage, my past sexual abuse. We walked into marriage with full disclosure, but we...
This blog post I’m writing is a task I’ve been thinking about for a long time, particularly after the release of We Too. I’ve hinted at the strain of this year, and I’ve asked for prayer. But now it’s time to actually do something about...